Wes Siler Wes Siler

Chris Cuomo Primetime

Wes appears on a special episode of Chris Cuomo Primetime—CNN’s highest rated show—to discuss the tricky topic of gun control, from the perspective of a gun owner. Wes makes the point that Americans from all walks of like own guns, and that the NRA can’t claim to accurately represent the interests of gun owners, since its membership includes less than one percent of them.

Watch on CNN Go.

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Wes Siler Wes Siler

The Price of Freedom Movie

Wes appears alongside Bill Clinton, Gabby Giffords, X Gonzalez, and more in this documentary about America’s fucked up relationship with guns, and how that’s been influenced by the National Rifle Association. Premiering at the Tribeca Film Festival, the move is currently enjoying a limited theatrical release, before reaching streaming services this fall.

Read more on The New York Times.

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Wes Siler Wes Siler

The Tailgate Podcast

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This podcast talks about the intersection between hunting, outdoors, marketing, and advertising. Wes mostly uses it as an excuse to talk politics.

Listen now.

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